Early-ripe. Growth season is 68–91 days. Was included into the State Register for Volga-Vyatka (4), West Siberian (10), East Siberian (11) regions.
Values of the variety: even ripening, nonshattering, minimum field losses, high postharvest germinating ability of seeds, responsiveness to high soil fertility, ecological plasticity. A variety for extensive cultivation which combines high-value grain and high yielding capacity with lodging resistance and resistance to unfavorable growing conditions. Suitable for use in processing and food industries. Maximum yield is 66 dt/ha.
Mid-season. Growth season is 77–95 days. Was included into the State Register for Volga-Vyatka (4), West Siberian (10) regions in 2004.
Values of the variety: even ripening, nonshattering, minimum field losses, high postharvest germinating ability of seeds, responsiveness to increase of soil fertility, suitability for use in processing and food industries. The variety combines high-value grain and high yielding capacity with lodging resistance and resistance to unfavorable growing conditions. Maximum yield – 85.8 dt/ha.
Mid-season. Growth season is 70–93 days. Was included into the State Register for region 10 (Tomsk oblast).
Values of the variety: even ripening, nonshattering, yield capacity, minimum field losses, high postharvest germinating ability of seeds, responsiveness to increase of soil fertility. A variety which combines high-value grain with lodging resistance and resistance to unfavorable growing conditions. Suitable for use in processing and food industries. Maximum yield is 58.3 dt/ha (Tomsk variety test plot).
Mid-season. Growth season is 70–92 days. Was included into the State Register for Volga-Vyatka (4), West Siberian (10), East Siberian (11) regions.
Values of the variety: ecological plasticity, even ripening, nonshattering, yield capacity, lodging resistance, minimum field losses, high postharvest germinating ability of seeds, responsiveness to increase of soil fertility. The variety combines high-value grain and high yielding capacity with lodging resistance and resistance to unfavorable growing conditions. Suitable for use in processing and food industries. Maximum yield is 98dt/ha.
Mid-season. Growth season is 71–92 days. Was included into the State Register for Volga-Vyatka (4) and West Siberian (10) regions.
Values of the variety: even ripening, nonshattering, minimum field losses, high postharvest germinating ability of seeds, responsiveness to increase of soil fertility.
Suitable for use in processing and food industries. Maximum yield is 64.6 dt/ha.
Middle-late. Growth season is 75-104 days. Was included into the State Register for Ural (9), West Siberian (10) regions.
Values of the variety: large-size grain, three-grain spikelets, high leaf formation, increased tilling capacity, responsiveness to high soil fertility. Suitable for cultivation for forage production purposes (for use as grain and in mixtures with grain legumes as green material, grain haylage, silage) and also in the territories seeded with oat grass. Maximum yield is 65 dt/ha.
Middle-late ripening. Growth season is 78–106 days. Was included into the State Register for West Siberian (10), East Siberian (11), Far Eastern (12) regions.
Values of the variety: even ripening, nonshattering, minimum field losses, high postharvest germinating ability of seeds, ecological plasticity, responsiveness to increase of soil fertility. A variety which combines high-value grain with lodging resistance and resistance to unfavorable growing conditions. Suitable for use in processing and food industries.
Maximum yield is 77,2 dt/ha.
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