Advantages of Tomsk flax varieties:
AuthorsofTomskvarietiesoffiberflaxare talented plant selection breeders A. P. Krepkov, G. А. Michkina , N. B. Rogalskaya.
Growth season lasts 65-77 days. Included into the State Register of Selection Achievements of the Russian Federation. Quality of carded fiber reaches 22 variety numbers. Fiber content in stems is 36,7%, long fiber yield – 23-25%.
Growth season lasts 70–77 days. Included into the State Register of Selection Achievements of the Russian Federation. It has higher indices of fiber content (an average of 30.1%), cellulose content, long fiber yield (13%), in terms of spinning belongs to group 1. Average number of long fiber is 18.8.
Growth season lasts 77–79 days. Included into the State Register of Selection Achievements of the Russian Federation. Average number of long fiber is 14.3. Rated relative breaking force is 15,2 p/tex.
Included into the State Register of Selection Achievements of the Russian Federation. Growth season lasts 70–76 days. Average carded fiber number is 14.0, relative breaking force is 14.6 sN/tex.
Growth season lasts 76–80 days. Included into the State Register of Selection Achievements of the Russian Federation. In terms of fiber quality belongs to the second group demonstrating number 15 of long fiber. Demonstrating number 15 of long fiber, belongs to the second group in terms of fiber quality.
Growth season lasts 77 - 81 days. Included into the State Register of Selection Achievements of the Russian Federation. Belongs to spinning group 2 in terms of long fiber content and fiber quality.
Growth season lasts 77–81 days. Included into the State Register of Selection Achievements of the Russian Federation. Long fiber yield is 23.2%, rated relative breaking force is 15.6 p/tex.
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